"Ferdows," formerly known as "Toon" in Farsi, translates to "paradise." This city holds profound significance as the birthplace of Naz Kobari's grandparents and father. In 1968, a devastating earthquake shook Ferdows, nearly crumbling its historical monuments, including the iconic "Kobari House." Fortunately, through fate and fortune, none of Kobari's family members were harmed. Despite the challenges, the city was rebuilt a few miles away for safety reasons, preserving its essence and history. This vibrant piece pays homage to Ferdows, presenting an abstract scene that not only captures attention but also sparks conversations about resilience, history, and the beauty of rebirth.
Details: All prints are final sale. No Returns or Exchanges.
You will get one artwork piece in your choice of material and size. Furniture, frame, decor, and accessories are not included. Note: Art size scale may not be relative to furniture size. Depending on the size you choose, it will differ. * Please allow a minimum of 14 days for production and delivery. Due to the original art’s high texture, some areas of prints may get blurry.
"Ferdows," formerly known as "Toon" in Farsi, translates to "paradise." This city holds profound significance as the birthplace of Naz Kobari's grandparents and father. In 1968, a devastating earthquake shook Ferdows, nearly crumbling its historical monuments, including the iconic "Kobari House." Fortunately, through fate and fortune, none of Kobari's family members were harmed. Despite the challenges, the city was rebuilt a few miles away for safety reasons, preserving its essence and history. This vibrant piece pays homage to Ferdows, presenting an abstract scene that not only captures attention but also sparks conversations about resilience, history, and the beauty of rebirth.
Details: All prints are final sale. No Returns or Exchanges.
You will get one artwork piece in your choice of material and size. Furniture, frame, decor, and accessories are not included. Note: Art size scale may not be relative to furniture size. Depending on the size you choose, it will differ. * Please allow a minimum of 14 days for production and delivery. Due to the original art’s high texture, some areas of prints may get blurry.
"Ferdows," formerly known as "Toon" in Farsi, translates to "paradise." This city holds profound significance as the birthplace of Naz Kobari's grandparents and father. In 1968, a devastating earthquake shook Ferdows, nearly crumbling its historical monuments, including the iconic "Kobari House." Fortunately, through fate and fortune, none of Kobari's family members were harmed. Despite the challenges, the city was rebuilt a few miles away for safety reasons, preserving its essence and history. This vibrant piece pays homage to Ferdows, presenting an abstract scene that not only captures attention but also sparks conversations about resilience, history, and the beauty of rebirth.
Details: All prints are final sale. No Returns or Exchanges.
You will get one artwork piece in your choice of material and size. Furniture, frame, decor, and accessories are not included. Note: Art size scale may not be relative to furniture size. Depending on the size you choose, it will differ. * Please allow a minimum of 14 days for production and delivery. Due to the original art’s high texture, some areas of prints may get blurry.