The Love Affair Between Fashion and Art
Fashion is a perfect combination of creativity and communication. Although fashion has rarely been elevated as same as a painting but surely is one of the ways of expression of art. Through both fashion and art, we can express and represent our history, culture and share our story with the world. However, I see more flexibility with fashion as you can create any sort of persona that you want depending on your mood, where you are going, and what you want to say that day. Unlike a finished painting that it’s done and already hung on that wall, you are able to easily change up your outfit or even change the way it looks by altering or adding extra details. That’s why I love fashion and always excited about each fashion week!
Fashion week is known for the vibrant, taboo, eccentric clothing that's debuted for all to see how hard these designers worked to produce a line. For the past decade, fashion week has made headlines in the fashion and artistic realms. However, with the Corona Virus still rampant across the nation, extreme precautions had to be taken for this year's fashion week.
Media Source: Photo by Daniel Rigdon on Unsplash
Through decades there has always been a love affair between fashion and art by creating wearable arts: a simple transfer of iconic original art onto desirable fabrics like silk to later design accessories such as scarves and ties. Over the years, art and fashion have become very rich and meaningful in terms of stretching beyond the geographic boundaries to introduce global influences to our wardrobes.
As fashion and art progress with time, the same goes for the generations of younger people who continue to pave the way to preserve the tradition. Fashion and art are often used as mediums to display messages to mass audiences. It is important to keep the everlasting tradition preserved for centuries. For future generations to look back and see the marvels that were produced in the past. This is another reason to see an increasing demand for this kind of functional art as wearable art that you can display on your wall or display on your body that has become so popular among generations.
Wearable art is made by artists who express history, culture, calligraphy, and more through painting, drawing, beading, knitting, and other creative processes. The simplest way can be transferring art either by hand painting or digitally on a piece of fabric and then design a garment around it. A piece of art, a piece of history that you can wrap yourself around with!